Serving America's Educators
Serving America's Educators
Teachers, do you have skin in the game?

Teachers, do you have skin in the game?

Teachers are exposed to so much every day - including sicknesses, unwanted gossip, and constant pressures.

However, thanks to our amazing students we are also exposed to the newest trends in fashion, music, dances, and teenage slang. It’s important to remember that us teachers can build relationships through these new trends that students are obsessed with! Integrating them in your class throughout the year can make your class dynamics thrive. Also, shocking your students by knowing acronyms or slang terms can win you “respect” from your hard to reach students.

Students are eager to relate to their teachers. As teachers, finding different avenues to relate to students is an important key to successful teaching. Take a few steps into your student's shoes so they can walk with you to graduation!

Teach on,


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