Serving America's Educators
Serving America's Educators
5 Things To Do While Drinking Coffee

5 Things To Do While Drinking Coffee

Have you ever had a cup of coffee with music playing in the background? Or had a conversation with somebody that lasted hours and the next thing you know you're on your 3rd cup of coffee? That is because coffee can be easily paired with just about anything because of its simplicity. Coffee has been an American favorite since the 15th century - and its popularity is only increasing with time.

It is perfectly okay to drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day while multitasking through your busy day. You may only be used to drinking coffee in the mornings or whenever you need an energy boost. So I decided to make a list of 5 things to do while drinking coffee in case you need something new to add to your routine: 

  1. Conversations: Coffee and conversations are the perfect combination. Whether it is meeting at a local coffee shop for business, grabbing coffee on a first date, or catching up in the workroom - coffee can act as a comfort. For some reason, we tend to talk more and speed up our words over a good ol’ cup of joe. 
  2. Music/Podcast: In the morning while driving to work and sipping my coffee, there is always music playing in the background. Even when I am working at my desk there is music playing - it just adds more flavor to a cup of joe. It is the same reason Starbucks has eclectic music playing when you visit - because it calls to a deep sense of your humanity. Even having a podcast on can make you feel like you’re part of the conversation - just having coffee with some friends.
  3. Long hours- Ever had a long day with stressful hours? Guess who was there with you? That’s right, coffee! Long hours and coffee are synonymous for being in the same room. The most productive entrepreneurs and teachers live off of coffee to help them multitask at a very high pace. 
  4. Sweets/Foods: Muffins, kolaches, or egg, bacon and cheese breakfast sandwiches all compliment coffee well. I know Texans love their coffee with a Mexican breakfast taco.
  5. Reading: Slowing things down and enjoying a nice read with a cup of coffee is always an instant classic! It may sound counterintuitive, but energizing yourself to sit down and read a book makes you self-aware and harness your inner peace. 

Teach on, 


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